Jammu Kashmir
IRCON International Ltd.
Construction of Tunnel T-15, part Tunnel T-14 including bridge No. 61 (Between Km 73.785 to Km 86.848 approx. Approx. 13.063km) on Katra – Banihal section of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla New BG Railway line project (USBRL Package T-15)
At the time of award, the forest clearance issue was unresolved for some fronts. Further, there were logistical issues right from Udhampur to the project site of Pkg. T-15, and the project approach road was very vulnerable and restricted.
The topography of the project site was very tough & massively slide-prone. Due to massive land slide, the T-14 New Adit Portal was completely buried under debris several times. The construction of Pkg. T-15 was a very challenging job; apart from that, the work has been executed successfully. The tunneling work has been carried out by NATM.
During mining of the entire length of Tunnel -15 and Part Tunnel of T-14 (Pkg. T-15), various types of rock classes were encountered; the percentage of rock class as envisaged in tended but actual during execution was massively not matched; Rock Class-A was not encountered during the entire length of tunnel mining.
Due to poor rock class, poor geology Deformat